
Archive for the ‘Baby’ Category

Breastfeeding in Norway is dictated by something that reminds you of the North Korean regime. You better believe in it, try your best to adhere to it, and never speak negatively about it. At least not amongst people you don’t trust. If you fail you better weep and show your sorrow. The punishment for not […]

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Who is mommy?

I just realized something sad! The concept of a Kodak moment is about to disappear. Soon everyone will be saying Instagram moment and only us oldies will remember what a Kodak moment is. Sigh. I am in a phase now where there are a lot of these moments. I sometimes worry that my son will […]

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Our little boy Jónatan was finally born 11th of November! 52 cm and 4 kg. Again I was overwhelmed with the same instant happiness and love that I experienced when I had Silja. It is a little bit different this time. Everything is more relaxed and yet I am panicking. I know this is my […]

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