
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I sometimes get panic attacks when I think about all the free time that I had before I had my kids and especially all the free time I had when I was a kid myself. How much wouldn’t I give for having all that free time again? Even just couple of days like that would […]

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30 Perfect Days

My #30perfectdays experiment is over. I am sure many of my Facebook friends are happy (if they haven’t already blocked me) but I really miss it. The experiment was to post some highlights from my life every single day for 30 days. To find something positive, something that made me smile, or something that I […]

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Grow a t-shirt

Making sourdough starters and brewing your own beer is so last year people! Now you should be growing your own fabric from among other things bacteria and green tea! A women named Suzanne Lee is the inventor and runs a research project called Biocouture (coolest name ever). Why would we want to do this? Because […]

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What you should watch

If someone had told me five years ago that I would be completely glued to a reality TV program about sewing I would have had a good laugh. I didn’t even have a TV back then and only watched selected movies and series. I hadn’t gotten into sewing and didn’t consider myself as the crafty […]

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