
Archive for the ‘Ottobre’ Category

Did you know that more knowledge sometimes makes you more ignorant? When you have learned something it becomes difficult to understand how others don’t know the same things as you. There is really no way to unlearn things that have been imprinted in us. You might be able to forget some facts but there are […]

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My two little pirates

What do you do when life is a bit hard and it is vacation time? You head off to an almost deserted island and play pirates! We decided it wouldn’t be worth it to pay for an expensive trip anywhere this summer. We needed to go somewhere where we would be forced to relax and […]

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I just realized why I don’t live in Iceland. I really, really hate having my hair all over the place tickling my nose and blocking my vision. I am amazed that some people have long hair there. It is not the only problem either. There are times when you need to walk next to your […]

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Ironically the word for fabric in Norwegian (stoff) is the same word you use for drugs. It quickly becomes just that after you start sewing. You become severely addicted and you want more more more! There are many similarities between fabric addiction and drug addiction. You tend to downplay the amounts you are buying and […]

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My little baby boy seems to be in a hurry to grow up. At 13 weeks he had grown an average of 1 cm per week. At 22 weeks he had grown 19 cm!! I am starting to wonder if I have some kind of superwoman milk. It is not just that he is growing […]

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There are certain details and things that can irritate the hell out of me and once I have noticed them there is usually no way for me to not notice them. In short, I like things to be lined up and logical. This has been magnified by the fact that my profession involves making user […]

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Two Gentlemen

You tend to not talk much about the nicest people you know. You just talk about the people that are eccentric enough to be a good conversation topic. I didn’t understand this until my uncle passed away couple of weeks ago. He was one of the nicest man I have ever known and when he […]

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The Cursed Costume

I think this will go down in history as the costume that almost made me go insane. Maybe it is cursed? It wouldn’t surprise me as it is actually a My Little Pony character that is evil (or gone evil). She is originally known as Princess Luna but goes by the name Nightmare Moon when […]

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Who is mommy?

I just realized something sad! The concept of a Kodak moment is about to disappear. Soon everyone will be saying Instagram moment and only us oldies will remember what a Kodak moment is. Sigh. I am in a phase now where there are a lot of these moments. I sometimes worry that my son will […]

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Getting Lucia right

It is not always easy being the kid of a foreigner. As much as the parent tries to blend in there are certain cultural subtleties that get lost on them. One of these things is not coming dressed appropriately at certain events that make no sense to their parent. You would think having a Norwegian […]

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