Mom can you post these photos on the Internet? So I can get thumbs up? My stomach twisted as she said it. Despite posting numerous photos of her online I don’t think I have ever told her about people liking them. It has been a little selfish hobby of mine to post photos of her and the clothes I make for her. I would like to say that I don’t care about the likes but of course I do a little because I am indefinitely proud of her being my daughter. That being said, I will never admit to her that the likes matter 🙂 .
I am perfectly aware that it is debatable if you should post photos of your kids online. We have chosen to do so. Everyone’s life is public today and it would be virtually impossible to stop pictures from going online. We live far away from relatives and this is one way for them to enjoy photos of them. We could of course do it in locked channels but that would just mean half the people would see them. I choose to be proud of my kids and post (of course proper only) photos of them. I also have a sneaking suspicion that some kids will wonder why their parents never posted photos of them when they are older. Just like some wonder why there are so few paper photos of their childhood today. If they later ask me to remove them I will of course do so but I hope they will just take it as a sign that I am proud of them.
It is however about time to start teaching her about the dangers of online life and that likes mean nothing in the long run. I wish I could have waited a bit longer introducing her to likes and I blame school for teaching her these things. Yes my little girl is a school girl already.
We are visiting my family in Iceland and took as a little trip to the beach in VÃk. The beach and the sunny windy day fit perfectly with her new Skola dress that I made out of Birch Interlock Knit called Wink. The quality of that fabric is horrible which is a pity because I really liked the pattern. The Skola pattern from E & E patterns was easy to follow and had a nice fit. The only complaint I have was that I found it a bit confusing knowing what the difference between the different views were. I made view B with pointed collar.
The light might not have been the best to show off the dress but I liked the atmosphere and my little girl’s attitude that day.
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